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Now let’s all just take a minute to look at these…

Aren’t they just beautiful? Do they fill you with joy? Because they do for me. So imagine the absolute HORROR when I realised that I’d ordered the wrong size. I’d only gone and picked a size 10 instead of 11. I think the sparkle just all got too much and I panicked. I put them away in a mood and planned to send them back. However today when I got them out to tell you this story and find out where I got them from, I decided to give them one last try and can you actually believe it, I’ve squeezed my feet in! They need a bit of ‘wearing in’ but what a great time to be alive. So now the gory deets – they’re from Selfridges called ‘Sprinkle’ what a great name. Now, I paid £48.00 for them but they’re actually on sale at £32.20, so if you’re interested make sure you add em to y’basket!

I’m afraid this blog doesn’t have a happy ending. So as you know (here’s the back story if you don’t) getting shoes can be pretty difficult if you’re an adult with mini feet. Getting sandals is an absolute nightmare. I’m going to put it out there because we’re all friends now – I have mega chubby short feet so getting flip flops or sandals is just ridiculous. My feet are strangled and my poor toes are bending all over. So when I found these shoes online I wanted to shed a happy tear. Velcro ankle straps, what a dream. I was buzzing to see them and ripped them open when they arrived, only to find they’re soooo flat and long! Such a shame as they look incredible (see above), suede with cute tassels. Alas, it’s not meant to be. Any of my little friends with longer flatter feet I would totes recommend though. Here’s the link for you to have a proper look.
I think the moral of the story for me is I need to stop shopping for shoes online and actually try them. Don’t worry though, I shall not let this defeat me, there are some sandals out there waiting for me – I’m sure of it!